Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I think I need to knit this before the next election.


I am thinking that I will make each state a shade of grey. Then I will knit each states as a separate piece. But I will knit each state twice, once in red and once in blue.

Winter Bloom

Winter Bloom

Malbrigo winner

First I have to say I thought a few more of you would submit a story for me. Ruth, I am looking at you.
I was excepting a zombie story. Or may a story about a story about giant invisible moths. Or an alien abduction, with aliens who are trying to learn to knit. Well, there will be other contests.

While I had 3 good choice, it was Enid’s post that really made me laugh out. I think it was that is was relevant to SnB. Unfortunately we haven’t see you in awhile, so you don’t know that we don’t really see the Korean Bible study group that much anymore. We are now in a show down with a bunch of evil staring chess players.

Congratulations Enid. Please email me at smittenwknitting@gmail.com with you shipping address.

The good news is that the scarf is out of the freezer. I think I can save most of it. It may have to become a cowl. We’ll see.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Malabrigo conest

Just a reminder that the contest for a ball of Malabrigo ends on Sunday. Leave a comment on this post - http://smittenwknittin.blogspot.com/2010/11/malabrigo-mystery.html.

I look forward to hearing some more good stories!